You’ve probably heard the importance of defining your niche in your business, but here is why diving even deeper to discover your ideal client will greatly impact the success of your online photo editor business in the wedding photography industry.
What is an ideal client?
Before we talk about why you should know who your ideal client is let’s discuss the concept of an ideal client.

An ideal client is a specific person that you would enjoying serving and working with. This idea client knows the immense value that your service provides them and loves to pay for your service; they identify with and value your process, style, and communication. Ideally, you really kick it off together and genuinely enjoy working together.
That sounds like a pretty specific person, right? Yes! This is someone that’s been defined from answering various questions like: Who are they? What do they like? What type of business do they have? What is their style?
They are the dream person that you’re talking to when you’re writing copy on your website or social media. They are the one person that you’ll keep in mind when you’re establishing yourself online, communicating to clients, and promoting services.
1. You Discover Exactly What Services You Need To Sell
Let’s start with the most important question every single business needs to answer: “What problem does my ideal client have that I can solve with my products or services?”
“…not only do you appeal to your ideal client, but they know that they are the right place.”
Answering this questions defines everything that you do in your business is for that ideal client. When you achieve this, not only do you appeal to your ideal client, but they know that they are the right place. When they feel like they are in the right place they are actually excited to pay for your service or product!
For example, I’m a private photo editor. My sole purpose is to over photo editing services for photographers to outsource their editing to. But, instead of just providing a standard list of editing services, I offer a very specialized set of skilled services that solve their specific problems related to the editing style of their photography. Instead of offering photo editing to all photographers, I only offer my services to ONE type of photographer with a very specific style. When they contact me they know that they’re in the exact right place for them and they cannot wait to book services with me.
2. You Know Who to Market Your Services To
I know it’s tempting to want to serve or sell to as many possible as possible, but doing this will only repel your ideal clients from wanting to do business with you. Your business cannot provide all of the things to all of the people.
If your ideal client cannot identify with your business on a personal level, you won’t attract them and they won’t feel like your business is right for them. Having a personal appeal to your marketing will do much better for you than a really broad marketing approach that aims for general appeal. This is only specific to small businesses or brands that are in a niche market.
It’s important to understand that some people will really love and be attracted to your business… while, some won’t This is a GOOD thing! Let’s take Planet Fitness for example. They are a strict judgement free zone for their ideal customers. They’ve established strict clothing and even noise rules that their customers must abide by to help maintain a non-intimidating space. By repelling a specific group of gym goers they are attracting a massive amount of customers that resonate and personally identify with Planet Fitness’s “judgement free zone”.
“Your business cannot provide all of the things to all of the people.”
I’ve dived so deep into a niche in my industry that my marketing is magnetic to my ideal clients and they’re very eager to work with me! Marketing my services to my ideal client has established my credibility in my very specific niche of services and has made my specific service high in demand with a long waitlist.
3. You Know Where Your Ideal Clients Are and Where to Attract Them
Once you’ve discovered who it is you’re marketing to, it’s really easy to discover where your ideal client hangs out online! The size of your net doesn’t matter if you’re casting it in the wrong place.
What social platforms are your ideal clients really active in? What online communities are they engaging in?
Once you know where your client engages online it makes it really easy for your ideal client to find you and want you to help solve their problem via your product or service! Making connections and providing value to your ideal client within these communities will make your ideal client know that they can trust you and your services – that you’re there for them!
4. Define Your Ideal Client
Let’s bring it all together and define who your client is. Imagine you’re inviting your ideal client over into your home for dinner. You open the door… who are they? What type of topics would you talk about? What is their lifestyle like?
In what way do you connect with them? How do they identify with you a on a personal level?
When you create your branding and space online, picture your brand and marketing as if it was a virtual space made just for your ideal client. You want to make them feel like they are in the right place, that they resonate with the space, at ease, and excited to be there.

Ready to discover how newbie editors book their first ideal clients quickly?
Head to the free training video for instant access so you can learn more about the career of profitable photo editing!